Introductory Questions

1. Hello, my name is Hannah Kim and I'm a junior pursuing a BFA in Communication Design with a second major in East Asian Studies.

2. I have absolutely no knowledge of CS/web design, so I'm taking this class because I want to have some foundational knowledge that could be useful in the future. Also, this class is a requirement XD

3. Nope!!!

4. I hope to learn how to create and maintain a portfolio site!

5. Well for one, a screen can be various sizes- and can even change within a frame. The way we interact with screens is also different than how we do on paper. We have to keep this in mind as designers.

6. This might be a super basic answer, but I really like Apple's website I think the way everything is set up is user-friendly, simple, and straightforward. It also aligns with the clean and simple aesthetic Apple has for its products.

7. I think has solid communication. It shows the products, how much they cost, what colors it comes in, and has supporting images. The user can see exactly what they will get.

8. A website that works well is because it's easy to navigate, it curates things for you, and it's simple- made for everyone.